Young plant:
Elongated, obclavate or clavate shaped galls can often be seen on the leaves of this plant.
Plant galls on this tree are relatively well studied since the seeds from this tree is thought to be a potential source of biofuel, especially in India. Galls formation on the tree may impact on the yield of the seeds.
[1] Devaraj R, Sundararaj R. Parasitoids of Asphondylia pongamiae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), the flower gall inducer of Pongamia pinnata and their roles in biological control. J Trop Forest Sci 2014;26(2):173-177.
[2] Nasareen PNM, Ramani N. Seasonal variation in the population density of the gall mite, Aceria pongamiae Keifer 1966 (Acari: Eriophyidae) within the leaf galls of Pongamia pinnata (L.). J Entomol Zoology Stud 2014;2(3);126-130.
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